
Master of Transformative 部

改变你的生活. Change your church. Change your community.

Who should pursue this degree?






Men and women rising to leadership roles in churches, parachurch organizations, 或没有受过正规圣经或事工训练的企业



Those entering ministry as a second career





This is a practitioner’s degree in contrast to a research degree.


God’s kingdom needs scholars who do in-depth research, 但也需要懂得如何评价文化环境和设计现在有效的事工战略的劳动者.


This curriculum includes 圣经, 神学, 沟通, 心理学 and Sociology, Cultural Competence, 领导, 部, Spiritual Formation, 和业务.






学生 are in a new course every 8 weeks. 每周需要大约14个小时的学习投入. 这一切都是在线的(异步的),所以学生们可以在任何有联网设备的地方参与.

A Story of the Kingdom

A group comes together a couple hours per week for several weeks. 其中一名成员是已经服完刑的罪犯. Another member is a district attorney. 在他们相处的最后,被定罪的罪犯给地方检察官施洗! 上帝的国度就是这样出现的——出乎意料,美丽,强大,甚至具有讽刺意味. God’s Spirit moved. Two people made a connection from different worlds. Their lives were transformed. 聚集在一起的社区发生了变化,这个故事在他们的教堂里产生了涟漪.

Can we “make” that happen? No, 但我们可以通过学习理解上帝的国度,让自己成为催化剂, allowing ourselves to be changed into Kingdom ambassadors, 寻找神的国度降临的途径,以及神的旨意在我们的教会中成就的途径, 弥合了教会与当今社会之间的文化鸿沟. Would you like to be that catalyst? Would you like to be a part of a mustard seed becoming a tree? 你愿意帮助别人在现在和将来找到那颗无价的珍珠,那就是神的国吗? 这就是变革部硕士的目的……

Your 个人 Learning Journey

Courses begin every 8 weeks, 你可以在任何一个8周间隔的开始开始你的旅程. Your first course will be The Emerging Kingship of God. 完成基础课程后,您将进入正在进行的课程轮转. 每门课程都是独立的,这意味着你可以在任何时候进入这个项目. 到2年结束时,您将完成12门课程,并展示19个项目学习目标的能力.



神学 of Transformation

THEO 5310 The Emerging Kingship of God (3 credits)

THEO 5330 The Church as God’s Agent of Transformation (3 credits)

BIBL 5315 Transformative Engagement with Scripture (3 credits)


个人 & Relational Transformation

PMIN 5330 Holistic Spiritual Formation (3 credits)

LEAD 5310 Resilience in the Leader (3 credits)

PSYC 5315心理工具的变革事工(3学分)


Community Transformation

PMIN 5320 Transformative 沟通 (3 credits)

THEO 5320 Reading and Redeeming Culture (3 credits)

PSYC 5310 Culturally Competent 部 (3 credits)

PMIN 5310 Contemporary Models for Holistic 部 (3 credits)


Organizational Transformation

LEAD 5320 Strategic Planning (3 credits)

LEAD 5315 Organizational Innovation & Change (3 credits)

Master of Transformative 部
Program Learning Objectives

目标1: Ground students in a theology of transformation that proclaims the emerging Kingship of God.

目标1.1: 学生总结圣经的元叙事和基督徒在其中的角色.

目标1.2: 学生解释“浮现”神的王权(已实现的末世论)的概念 该机构一些 (mission of God) and their relevance for 教会.

目标1.3: 学生感知神的精神的救赎运动在大大小小的表现他的王权在过去, 现在, 和未来的.

目标1.4: 学生描述圣经和历史上宣教教会从事整体事工和变革社会行动的例子,体现上帝的王权.

目标1.5:  学生 apply sound principles, 方法, 以及促进神的书面话语的转变经历的策略.

目标1.6: 学生表达根植于基督教圣经和圣经的事工的个人哲学 该机构一些.

目标2:   Equip students to experience and promote personal and relational transformation through Christ-centered spiritual formation.

目标2.1: 学生们从事经典的精神形成文学和练习精神纪律-即, being with Christ, becoming like Christ, and participating in the work of Christ.

目标2.2: 学生制定和实施“照顾照顾者”计划,促进基督教领袖和他们的家庭服务的弹性和寿命.

目标2.3: 学生 integrate psychological principles, 工具, and techniques in their ministries to help individuals, 家庭, and communities overcome psychological and emotional challenges, leading to improved mental health, improved relationships, and overall well-being.

目标3:   Equip students to promote community transformation by meeting physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual needs.

目标3.1: 学生 promote the Kingship of God through biblically-grounded, contextually appropriate communication.


目标3.3: 学生通过阐述“文化”的关键要素来展示“文化敏捷性”,” analyzing the culture of a given community, 形成适合文化背景的事工策略.

目标3.4: 学生分析和评估“宣教”教会和副教会组织所采用的当代整体事工模式.

目标4:   Equip students to effect organizational transformation 透过以王国为导向的计划、创新的领导和有效的管理.

目标4.1: 学生 analyze and assess organizational, 当地的, 区域, 以及塑造组织未来的全球市场可行性指数(MVI)趋势, 教会, 这个世界.

目标4.2: 学生使用行业标准工具批判性地评估组织行为以及组织的适应性和变革意愿.

目标4.3: 学生通过案例研究制定解决组织适应性和成功衡量的战略计划.

目标4.4: 学生练习基本的领导职能,为教会和组织的变革做准备, including analyzing organizational culture, 视觉铸造, renewing the organizational life cycle, strategic planning, and change management.

目标5:   Develop habits of lifelong learning that fuel long and productive careers in ministry and service.

目标5.1: 学生 critically engage thought leaders in key areas of ministry.

目标5.2: 学生研究问题,并制定实际的、情境化的方法来应对事工的挑战.


Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost?
  • Tuition is $495 per credit
  • There is a $100 module fee for each course
  • Perlego图书馆每年收取125美元的使用费,该图书馆提供许多教科书.
Can I use federal financial aid?

Although there are no Pell grants available for graduate students, you can apply for an educational loan if needed.

Are there scholarships?

Since DCC is offering this degree at a reduced cost, 学生应该去他们的教堂或工作场所申请任何老品牌信誉平台排行榜或经济支持.


是的. The program and curriculum were designed with you in mind.

When will the first course be offered?

The program launches January 8, 2024. 新生可以在一年中任何为期8周的课程开始时注册.

应用 today for your tomorrow
