

Dallas Christian College offers student an intimate, personal setting where you can gain not only a top education, but life-long mentoring relationships that will last way after college. "People here are family!" You'll hear this phrase over an over again. From working together on an inner city project, to traveling on mission trips together, the DCC community is just that - family.


All single freshmen, sophomore, 未满21岁的不与父母或监护人同住的低年级学生必须住在其中一个宿舍, sharing together in this phase of the DCC community. 希望住在校外的学生必须向学生发展副校长提出申请.

New students must submit a complete Application for Housing.

Each air-conditioned room is designed for two or three students, with two-room suites sharing private bath and toilet facilities. The student furnishes linens, is responsible for the appearance and care of the room, and shares in the general housekeeping of the residence hall.

Televisions, microwaves, and refrigerators are allowed. If available, 私人房间需要宿舍主任的许可,并将增加费用.

A residence hall reservation and damage deposit of $150 is required to reserve a room. 这笔押金用于支付因宿舍管理不善而造成的异常损坏的费用. 如果没有造成任何损坏,学生可以在最后离开宿舍后全额退还押金.

Dorm Amenities
  • Rooms are approximately 12’x16′. Rooms vary slightly in dimensions.
  • Carpeted hallways with tiled rooms
  • Central heat & air
  • Coin operated laundry facilities
  • Wireless internet covered by technology fee
  • Microwaves, refrigerators, crock pots, are allowed
  • Mini blinds on all windows
  • TVs, video gaming systems, surround sound/home theater systems are allowed
  • Pool table, foosball table (Newland Hall)
  • Rooms arranged in suite design. 2 rooms (generally 4 occupants) share a bathroom
  • Sink in each room
  • Standard size twin beds
  • TV room in lobbies, both upstairs and downstairs, with cable and DVD player
  • The lobby in each dorm has a TV, DVD and VCR player. Satellite is also provided. In Newland Hall, the downstairs lobby also has a game area.
Vaccination Requirement
To ensure a safe, healthy studying and living environment, and in accordance with Texas Department of Health Law (Chapter 21, Subchapter T, Sections §§21.612, 21.613, 21.614), DCC要求所有22岁以下的新生在入住宿舍和/或参加校内课程之前不迟于10天接受细菌性脑膜炎疫苗接种. 每个22岁以下的新居民都必须提供疫苗接种证明,这是入学过程的一部分. 没有必要的疫苗接种文件,任何新居民都不允许搬进来.
Resident Age Restriction
老品牌信誉平台排行榜的宿舍培养了一种独特的青年男女文化. 因此,DCC不允许26岁以上的学生住在宿舍.

Newland and Winslow Halls

 纽兰大厅住单身男性居民,温斯洛大厅主要住单身女性居民. The downstairs lounges in the residence halls are open to both males and females, but the hallways and rooms are restricted to the appropriate gender only. 所有通往宿舍的入口在任何时候都保持锁定(除了预定的入住期间)。. A full-time Residence Director (R.D.) resides in the building and provides leadership to the residents. Three Resident Assistants (R.A.s) are also available to provide informational services to the residents. The residence halls also have upper classmen serving as small group leaders/mentors, especially leading in spiritual development.


2018 Annual Security Report


Off-Campus Housing

未满21岁的学生必须住校或与家长/监护人住在一起. 年满21岁的学生可以在校外选择住宿. 网上有很多房产搜索工具可以帮助你在Farmers Branch附近找到住处, TX campus including:


Spiritual formation is a distinctive of Dallas Christian College.  Along with rigorous academic growth, DCC’s students are expected to grow in their relationship with God.  DCC设计了战略项目,让我们的学生有机会在他们的信仰中脱颖而出.  Our goal is that all of our graduates would be reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ.  DCC’s major spiritual formation programs are described below.
Christian Service

Christian Service happens when Biblical truths leave the classroom and enter the world. When DCC’s students “use” their faiths, they truly understand the essence of Christian spiritual growth. Therefore, DCC的基督教服务课程旨在教导我们的学生以基督的名义服务的纪律和快乐. DCC’s Christian Service requirements are as follows:

  • Chapel attendance (Traditional and Quest students)
  • Christian service reports
  • Church attendance
  • Day of Service participation (Traditional students)
  • Illuminate! attendance (Traditional students)
DCC offers our students an opportunity to worship God corporately every week. Chapel services vary in format. Students are challenged toward spiritual growth by faculty or staff members, guest speakers, drama teams, Christian musicians, small groups, arts, multimedia, student and faculty-led music, and other venues. Traditional (daytime) students attend chapel twice per week, and Quest (evening) students meet once per six-week course. 在线学生在他们自己的社区参与集体敬拜,并在他们的基督教服务报告中报告他们的参与情况. | Learn More
Illuminate! 是一个为DCC的传统学生提供广泛指导的项目,从精神学科到求职技巧,到维持有效的人际关系等等. Illuminate! sessions meet once per week generally by the year of the student. DCC学生有机会通过Illuminate建立的师徒关系继续成熟! | Learn More
Effective mentoring is one of DCC’s greatest initiatives. Mentoring takes place on two levels: 1. Unprogrammed via natural relationships with older students, faculty/staff and industry leaders, and 2. Programmed through mentoring relationships established in Illuminate!. 1st-Year students learn spiritual disciplines and principles of mentoring. Second-year students are mentored by 4th-Year seniors. 三年级的学生在每个学生的学习领域内与学院外的行业领袖建立指导关系.
Service Days
Each semester, DCC取消了一天的日间课程,为我们的学生提供了服务社区的机会. Students, faculty/staff, 与行政部门共同努力,在教室外完成神的国度的工作. Work projects vary greatly but include services like nursing home visitation, home renovation, soup kitchens for the homeless, clothing distribution, etc.
Kingdom Week
有许多真理,我们永远不会知道,除非我们走出我们正常的界限和陷阱. That is why all of DCC’s students are invited to participate in Kingdom Week, 在三月的宣教周,学校组织4-6次到其他城市和国家的旅行. 学生了解其他民族和文化,同时他们发现更多关于上帝和自己.
Residence Hall Devotions
DCC的校内住客每周二晚上10点参加每周的灵修.m. Devotions vary from corporate worship to small groups, same sex to co-ed, deep spiritual exhortation to just going out and having fun together.
Campus Organizations
Students at Dallas Christian College have opportunities to connect with each other, with our community, and with God through the school’s many organizations. Campus organizations vary in nature to include elements such as ministry, athletics, arts, governance, tutoring, etc.


Students at Dallas Christian College have opportunities to connect with each other, with our community, and with God through the school’s many organizations. Campus organizations vary in nature to include elements such as ministry, athletics, arts, governance, tutoring, etc.
Student Government
The DCC Student Government plays a large part in our students’ lives.This group is responsible for many of DCC’s social activities, benevolence and service projects, Skip Days, and several student publications.This organization also serves as a sounding board and advisory panel for the college.Officers and representatives elected by the students help make DCC a dynamic community.
Ministry Teams
DCC为学生提供了无数的机会,让他们组成旅行的事工团队,不仅代表老品牌信誉平台排行榜, but also our Lord. Under the direction of faculty and staff members, teams travel across Texas and the United States to camps, conferences, disaster relief sites, nursing homes, churches, schools, and more.
Camp Teams
DCC’s Camp Teams are sent to camps, conferences, and special events throughout the summer across the country. While the team members are contracted to work for DCC during the summer, 他们也是我们在整个学年中代表学校参加各种活动的首选. Camp Teams can be one of our students’ most rewarding experiences at DCC.
Student Leaders
高年级学生有机会指导和指导新生,并帮助他们在前几个学期融入DCC大家庭. This integration is critical to every student’s long-term success at DCC, and our Student Leaders are a huge factor in that equation.
Resident Assistants
Each residence hall has three Resident Assistants (R.A.s) to offer leadership and guidance to the other residents. The R.A.对于那些希望投资于他人的学生领袖来说,校长的职位意味着巨大的责任和巨大的回报.
DCC Flag Football League
The DCCFFL is a popular co-ed intramural sport. Visitors and faculty/staff are invited to play along with DCC’s finest. Top teams compete in the Sader Bowl, and top players are elected to play in the Pro Bowl at the end of each season.
Study Groups
Yes, learning can be fun – especially with the encouragement of a study group!  DCC students band together to sharpen each other’s knowledge, intellect, and GPA!


Students at Dallas Christian College have opportunities to connect with each other, with our community, and with God through the school’s many organizations. Campus organizations vary in nature to include elements such as ministry, athletics, arts, governance, tutoring, etc.


Whether you are looking for a part-time gig or a full-time internship, DCC offers services to help you land the right job. 通过访问职业数据库开始在线搜索,或者在社区办公室停下来了解更多信息. | Find Jobs


老品牌信誉平台排行榜的教职员工很容易接近并愿意为DCC的学生提供个人和/或学术咨询. However, should a student desire further personal counseling, 他或她可以在校园或辅导员的校外办公室与专业辅导员预约. 咨询会议在最高标准的卓越和保密下进行. 在可用的基础上,DCC的学生可以获得专业咨询师的咨询课程.


老品牌信誉平台排行榜提供支持服务,帮助学生努力取得学业成功. 申请程序在学生通知教务处后开始.


DCC Tutoring Sessions take place Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 6:00 pm and on the weekends and evenings, in Wallace’s Student Lounge on the third floor of the Administration Building. Individual sessions are also available upon request.


老品牌信誉平台排行榜是一个基督教教育社区,致力于培养男女在主的教会生活和事工中的影响力. This handbook outlines rules, regulations, and policies necessary or expedient for such a community’s life.

View Student Handbook